Finance school successfully hold 2022 postgraduate academic forum


In the morning of April 22nd, Finance school successfully hold the academic forum for postgraduate students in 507 Conference Room of No.2 Administrative Building. Assistant Dean, Prof. Zheng Jun, Assistant Dean, Prof. Wu Xinyu, and Assistant to Dean, Prof. Zhou Hong presented at this forum as judges, part of postgraduate students of Finance School and Research Committee of Finance School attended this forum.

Before the forum began, Assistant Dean, Prof. Zheng Jun has made a speech, he emphasized on the important of this forum, approved the students’ enthusiasm for participating academic exchanges, and wishes students to improve their own academic and paper qualities rely on the platform of the forum. After his speech, each speaker report on their paper in turn, judge teachers professionally commented and questioned on the report details, showed colourful and splendid defences.

In the early stage of the enrolment, students have taken an active part in this forum, after unified plagiarism check and anonymous reviews, 11 essays in total entered the face-to-face defence. In the end, Student Wu Anqi won the first prize rely on Fiscal Revenue Decentralization, Fiscal Expenditure Decentralization and Provide Home-Based Nursing Services in Villages, Student Yin Xuebao, Mei Xueting won the second prizes, Student Jiang Xuhang, Li Yingqi and Li Wuyan won the third prizes, and Students Wang Jie, Zhao Jie, Yang Chengzhi, Zhang Shiyu and Liu Li achieved the excellent prizes, respectively. Successful hold this forum, extends the academic visions of postgraduate students, and established good interactive platforms for the academic exchanges between teachers and students in our school.

(Written by: Lei Zhao, Qian Zhang; Reviewer: Jun Zheng)